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Bus #123 – A Very Special Bus

Post Theme: Bus #123 – A Very Special Bus

In the opening chapter of Shadows of Chivalry, Kelly waits at a bus stop on a frigid January morning because her car won’t start. As she waits, she keeps an eye down the road for the bus. When the headlights swing around the corner, she squints into them, hoping to see that it isn’t just any bus.

And that’s the thing, the bus in the story isn’t just any bus—it’s “my bus.” Bus #123.

With the exception of a day spent in Chicago with my cousin, Julie, (and I remember that as one of the wildest, most exciting days of my childhood), I don’t have any specific memories of riding public transportation before leaving the States. But when I moved to Russia, it became a regular occurrence. 

From the main road, Bolshaya Akademicheskaya, you could catch several different buses, running to various Metro stations. But only two buses came to the bus stop right outside our gate with regularity—87 and 123. The 87 was a much slower route. This left Bus #123 as the favorite.

The Shadows of Chivalry scene in which Matt is riding home at night, watching the lights and billboards skate by, was inspired by my first nighttime bus ride through Moscow. I was amazed at how different everything looked in the darkness. I also remember being amazed that I could read a particular billboard—then I realized it was in English!

Bus #123 Memories

Bus #123 came in two styles, brand spanking new and ancient. I was always glad for a new bus if I was in a hurry, but I loved the nostalgia of the old buses. Part of me always wondered about the people who had ridden them over the years. Who were they? What were their stories? But no matter which decade the bus hailed from, Bus #123 was a place where memories were made. Even if it was just the memory of coming home after the perfect day.

I remember laughing on Bus #123, but I also remember crying. I remember feeling brave and excited about the place I was going and the people I was going to see. And, I remember feeling afraid. Sometimes the bus was nearly empty, but sometimes it was so full the doors wouldn’t shut. At some point, I  have eaten every meal of the day—breakfast, lunch, supper, and many snacks—on Bus #123. I took many naps on Bus #123. I read my Bible there often, especially Sunday mornings when seats were more readily available. 

But most of all, I remember the friends connected to that bus. We walked through a lot together. By nature of the life we lived, we came to each other’s rescue often. Even today, many years later, some of my dearest friends are friends who rode Bus #123 with me. That’s why you’ll find these “heroes” included in the Shadows of Chivalry dedication—because these chivalrous friends made a difference in my life. Thank you, each and everyone. My life wouldn’t be the same without you.

What about you? Do you have a favorite bus route? More importantly, has a chivalrous friend ever come to your rescue? I’d love to hear the story!